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Delogue PLM

Delogue PLM is a cloud-based software solution developed specifically for the fashion and apparel industry. Created by industry experts, the solution is designed to support companies of all sizes - from smaller design houses to larger international brands. Delogue PLM structures and manages product data throughout the entire product lifecycle, from the design phase to the finished product.

Delogue PLM consolidates all product information in one place, fostering effective collaboration across teams. With easy access to up-to-date information, it ensures a streamlined workflow where decisions can be made quickly. This helps companies improve their time-to-market and avoid delays, which is crucial in an industry with high demands for fast product launches.

The platform supports the entire product development process, from concept and design to production and launch. Features for tracking changes and gathering feedback provide a clear overview of product development. Supplier collaboration is also enhanced by giving all parties access to relevant information, minimizing the risk of misunderstandings.

Delogue PLM
Rosenvængets Alle 16
2100 Köpenhamn
VAT nummer: DK34074445
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